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Apple begrænser adgangen til alternative appbutikker uden for EU

- Via Mobilsiden -

Apple har opdateret sin supportside og meddeler nu, at hvis man forlader EU i mere end 30 dage, vil man ikke længere kunne opdatere apps, der er downloadet fra alternative appbutikker på ens iPhone.

Selvom man stadig kan bruge de allerede installeret apps, skal man være tilbage i EU for at kunne opdatere dem.

Denne politik er blevet specificeret efter EU’s forordning om digitale markeder trådte i kraft den 6. marts.

Det kan derfor blive besværligt for dem, der rejser meget.

Dog er det stadig muligt at bruge apps fra alternative appbutikker, og flere appudviklere er i gang med at lancere deres egne tredjepartsbutikker.

Epic Games har dog fået trukket deres udviklerlicens tilbage af Apple og kan derfor ikke lancere deres spilbutik.

For at kunne bruge alternative appmarkedspladser skal ens Apple-id være indstillet til et EU-land, og man skal fysisk befinde sig i EU.

Man kan fortsætte med at bruge allerede installeret apps fra alternative appmarkedspladser i op til 30 dage efter man har forladt EU, men man skal være i EU for at kunne installere nye apps fra alternative appbutikker.

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Gravatar #1 - Slettet Bruger [333466782]
20. mar. 2024 11:05
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Availability in the European Union

To reflect the Digital Markets Act's changes, users in the European Union are able to install alternative app marketplaces and install apps offered through alternative app marketplaces in iOS 17.4 or later. The country or region of your Apple ID must be set to one of the countries or regions of the European Union, and you must be physically located in the European Union.

Your device eligibility for alternative app marketplaces is determined by using on-device processing, with only an indicator of eligibility sent to Apple. To preserve your privacy, Apple does not collect your device's location.

If you leave the European Union, you can continue to open and use apps that you previously installed from alternative app marketplaces. Alternative app marketplaces can continue updating those apps for up to 30 days after you leave the European Union, and you can continue using alternative app marketplaces to manage previously installed apps. However, you must be in the European Union to install alternative app marketplaces and new apps from alternative app marketplaces.
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Gravatar #4 - nativeadd
25. nov. 2024 02:54
Epic Games har dog fået trukket deres udviklerlicens tilbage af Apple og kan derfor ikke lancere deres dordle spilbutik.

Gravatar #5 - ConstanHaynes
13. dec. 2024 07:43
Apple has updated its policy, where iPhone users cannot update apps from an alternative store if they have been out of the EU for more than 30 days. This could make playing Geometry Dash difficult for those who love to travel. While the installed app will still be usable, updates will not be possible unless they return to the EU to install it.
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