"Assange blasts ‘perverse transnational totalitarianism’ – interview"
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http://rt.com/news/assange-interview-transnational-totalitarianism-021/ skrev:... During the interview with Venezuelan TV station teleSUR from London’s Ecuadorian Embassy, Assange condemned an “avalanche of totalitarianism” incited by the US government. He argued that democracy in Western countries is an illusion, and that the constant surveillance of citizens is leading to the creation of a “transnational totalitarian state.”
“This is an international phenomenon that isn’t just happening in the US, it’s bigger than the US and it’s taking us to a dark place,” Assange said. He alleged that human rights in the West are undergoing a severe deterioration, and that the public is being influenced by “massive press manipulation.” ...
Hvilket slet ikke er det citatet handler om. Men det underbygger dog hand udtalelse.Mort (2) skrev:Han må da have vidst at hvis han videregav USA's fortrolige oplysninger, ville de jagte ham efter deres bedste evne.
Han må da have vidst, at hvis han offentliggør oplysninger, som skader hans politiske modstanderes omdømme, så vil de hans politiske modstandere naturligvis jagte ham med alle de magtmidler de har til rådighed, uanset om han har gjort noget ulovligt eller ej.
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