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En iPhone-ejers bekendelser: Sådan føles Apples nye iOS 7 6 22. jun. 2013 13:17
Hvilken film? Boondock 5 22. jun. 2013 07:54
Problemerne truer i Windows 8: Sådan løser du dem 4 21. jun. 2013 14:15
Windows Phone Inventory Build-Up: Bad Sign for Q2 Nokia Lumia Shipments 1 21. jun. 2013 11:27
Spøgelse i AD 7 21. jun. 2013 10:21
CS affyrer Sapphire med aktiv styring på søndag 2 21. jun. 2013 07:40
Europol og FE-chef advarer: IT-sikkerhed er for dårlig 1 21. jun. 2013 06:48
Som. ang RAM 2 20. jun. 2013 15:24
Huawei wants to buy Nokia 5 20. jun. 2013 13:36
Microsoft var klar til at købe Nokia - prisen lagde forhandlinger på køl 1 20. jun. 2013 08:49
How Will you Manage the New Addition of A9 to the OWASP Top 10 List? 1 20. jun. 2013 01:36
Xbox One ændringer... 6 19. jun. 2013 21:02
S: Xbox 360 m. 3 controllere u. spil 9 18. jun. 2013 17:56
Skype Video Messaging Now Available 10 18. jun. 2013 12:46
Det er slut med at betale radiolicens 2 17. jun. 2013 10:10
NSA admits listening to U.S. phone calls without warrants 1 15. jun. 2013 23:56
U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms 1 15. jun. 2013 12:01
Prism skandalen - Hacket routere 6 14. jun. 2013 22:41
Google faces EU antitrust probe over Android licensing 3 14. jun. 2013 20:30
Test: Microsoft Surface Pro er fremtidens bærbare 13 14. jun. 2013 12:31
Java developer says he built, launched basic open source office suite in 30 days 2 13. jun. 2013 21:26
What does a software architect really do all day? 1 13. jun. 2013 18:52
SMTP/Mail server, self hosted 16 13. jun. 2013 18:26
Lille, let bærbar der kan dockes? 13 13. jun. 2013 12:39
The real story in the NSA scandal is the collapse of journalism 8 12. jun. 2013 07:54