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Apple's Siri dumps Google in favour of Microsoft's Bing in iOS 7 11 11. jun. 2013 19:45
Hadoop 1 11. jun. 2013 16:46
Sony: 'PlayStation 4 won't impose any new restrictions on used games' 1 11. jun. 2013 09:11
Glemt WP Blue telefon 13 11. jun. 2013 06:57
PHP Performance Crash Course, Part 1: The Basics 1 10. jun. 2013 13:15
Win8 Filhistorik howto 4 9. jun. 2013 11:43
Win8 jobliste howto 1 9. jun. 2013 10:18
Dynamic languages have jumped the shark 5 7. jun. 2013 14:24
VS 2013 på vej 1 7. jun. 2013 13:32
Introducing Windows Red: A serious plan to fix Windows 8 14 5. jun. 2013 19:39
Python for Linux sysadms 1 5. jun. 2013 18:31
The History of Programming Languages Infographic 2 5. jun. 2013 08:10
Dansk forskning 4 4. jun. 2013 23:25
What's New in Windows 8.1 2 4. jun. 2013 08:48
Tits and Glass 2 4. jun. 2013 07:20
FE er tilsyneladende ret normale IT mæssigt 2 3. jun. 2013 16:41
Køb fra Amazon, via amerikansk adresse? 62 3. jun. 2013 14:32
HTC One with stock Android announced 11 31. maj 2013 17:50
3G dongle til wifi router 9 31. maj 2013 17:49
Censor: Når jeg retter skoleelevernes stile, bliver jeg bekymret og mistrøstig 26 31. maj 2013 15:32
Windows 8.1 - Start button 15 31. maj 2013 14:59
Sikkerhedsguru: Kriminelle vil nyde godt af ny lov om øget overvågning 1 31. maj 2013 10:23
IDC: Samsung sold more phones in Nokia-land than Nokia did for the first time in Q1 2013 1 31. maj 2013 09:31
Google targets Microsoft with "aggressive" zero-day deadline 21 31. maj 2013 08:01
Unge og aktivisme!? 9 30. maj 2013 20:58