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Disclosure timeline for vulnerabilities under active attack 1 30. maj 2013 12:07
#FBRape 5 29. maj 2013 18:19
9 29. maj 2013 13:29
Ubuntu live USB 4 29. maj 2013 08:23
The Internet portal is back 1 29. maj 2013 07:07
Prithviraj Udaya's answer to: Programming Languages: What if there were a war of programming languages who would you support and why? 1 28. maj 2013 19:32
The Smartphone Wars Are Over, Everyone Wins 40 28. maj 2013 19:09
Sony needs to exit most electronics markets. 1 28. maj 2013 13:47
Publishers to receive cut of Xbox One pre-owned sales at retail 2 28. maj 2013 07:08
Google Abandons Open Standards for Instant Messaging 3 28. maj 2013 07:06
NO HIDING PLACE: A Plan To Assess Your Personality From Your Tweets 1 28. maj 2013 06:23
IBM sætter fulde sejl: Satser på stort Linux-udviklingshus 1 28. maj 2013 06:08
11 Reasons Why Guy Kawasaki Thinks Android Is Better Than Apple's iOS 5 27. maj 2013 14:59
Google engineer publicizes Windows zero-day bug, claims Microsoft is 'difficult to work with' 26 27. maj 2013 02:32
Den sædvanelige klagesang 7 26. maj 2013 12:47
Physicists Create Quantum Link Between Photons That Don't Exist at the Same Time 2 26. maj 2013 09:09
A Snapshot of the Inside of an Atom 1 25. maj 2013 00:08
Viaplay, 3G og live-tv 12 24. maj 2013 23:46
Har du problemer med SNES? Kom her! 6 24. maj 2013 21:48
7 Agile Best Practices that You Don’t Need to Follow 5 24. maj 2013 18:02
Microsoft genindfører start-knappen et uvant sted 6 24. maj 2013 15:30
Rygte: 48 millioner Xbox Live-konti hacket 7 24. maj 2013 14:09
Hollywood Studios Censor Pirate Bay Documentary 1 24. maj 2013 10:33
Google Said to Face New Antitrust Probe Over Display Ads 1 24. maj 2013 05:43
Microsoft's Xbox One: What's Windows got to do with it? 9 23. maj 2013 23:07